Transfinder is a member of the following Purchasing Cooperatives - 1GPA and BuyBoard.

School districts who want to purchase Transfinder’s software solutions may become members of 1GPA or BuyBoard free of charge and purchase Transfinder solutions through them. 

Purchasing Cooperatives help school districts lower their costs in the procurement process by awarding contracts to vendors through a competitive bidding process, thereby eliminating the need for school districts to go through the same costly and time-consuming process.

All new purchases of Transfinder’s solutions may be made through our cooperative purchasing agreements.  On-going annual support fees or additional after purchase training is arranged and paid directly through Transfinder.

To speak to a Transfinder representative on how to take advantage of our cooperative purchasing agreements please call 800-373-3609 complete our Contact Us form.

How to join:

Transfinder Contract #23-17PV-04


How to join:

Click here for the Top 5 Reasons to Use Buyboard Purchasing COOP

Transfinder Contract #661-22