Attendance ZonePlanning

You can easily meet pupil transportation challenges associated with a redistricting plan by using Routefinder Pro to visualize, analyze, and manipulate demographic data and forecast future district enrollment.


Project future district enrollment and visualize effects on district resources. 

Evaluate, Analyze, and Adapt 

Redistricting is simplified by using Routefinder Pro to eliminate many of the time-consuming steps involved when new developments or changes in enrollment occur in a school district. Harnessing the power behind this tool can lead to overall political harmony, more equitable and efficient distribution of educational services, and savings on expenses, time, and resources.

Attendance Zone Planning or Redistricting is a way of life for growing districts across the country. When an area experiences growth, district personnel need a tool to resolve policy issues. In Routefinder Pro, you can evaluate your student population geographically, as well as plot and plan for future growth. By analyzing your existing school placements, Routefinder Pro’s Redistricting tool enables School Boards and Administrators to make policy shifts that will have positive effects on the community, enabling them to adapt to change in the short term and benefit for many years.

  • With Routefinder Pro’s Redistricting Tool, you can:Analyze the affects of proposed scenarios on transportation operations and costs;
  • Generate various reports that will reveal the affects on routes, busloads, and more;
  • Develop "what-if" scenarios for transporting students under the new attendance plan;
  • Visualize alternatives for consolidating or adding new routes. 



Create multiple redistricting scenarios

Comprehensive Solution

The Redistricting functionality enables you to establish attendance boundary zones that can easily be manipulated to explore attendance options for your district. Routefinder Pro empowers you to visualize, analyze, and manipulate vital demographic data, yielding results derived from different "what-if scenarios". You can then choose the best-case scenario.

Routefinder Pro also helps you project future district enrollment and visualize the effects on your current infrastructure. By enhancing your information control, Routefinder Pro readily displays objective, quantitative data that serves as a catalyst for building a consensus among educational constituents and unites parents, students, teachers, administrators, and the community in future plans for the districts. 

How does Routefinder Pro do it?

The redistricting map contains color-coded (thematically distributed) students, school locations, school attendance boundaries and enrollment tallies of students enclosed in their respective school zones. With a few clicks of your mouse, school attendance boundary lines can be repositioned and Routefinder Pro will instantly reveal quantitative results for each "what-if" scenario.

You can be very specific about the students you are affecting. For example, you may not want to affect special needs or magnet school students. Furthermore, you may want demographic considerations to influence your decisions by, for example, utilizing free and reduced meal data as an index. 

Routefinder Pro will deliver the reporting power you need to get the job done. 

The following are effortlessly generated to reveal current and projected results:

  • Enrollment projections reports;
  • Demographic distribution reports;
  • Student listing reports,
  • Street and address reports; and
  • Transportation reports


This above example, a saved "what-if" scenario, reflects student enrollments by grade. Many reports are available for evaluating other factors including redistricting impacts on transportation.