Seen and Heard Around the NAPT Summit Trade Show
- Posted By: Robb Snyder
- Category Featured, Industry News

More than 140 companies exhibited at the 42nd Annual NAPT Summit Trade Show on Tuesday, setting a record for the event.
read moreMore than 140 companies exhibited at the 42nd Annual NAPT Summit Trade Show on Tuesday, setting a record for the event.
read moreFrom Student Transportion News January 2, 2015By Art Gissendaner There is no doubt that school violence is a hot-button topic. The Columbine and Sandy Hook shootings serve as exclamation points in a tragic narrative on contemporary society that could be titled: “Education Should Not Be a Life-Threatening Activity.” At the outset, many educators, law enforcement officials and security experts focused their attention on making classrooms more secure. This approach is [...]
read more'HERE COMES THE BUS' By Gregg Obren, Clinton (Iowa) School BoardAugust 21, 2014 The Clinton Herald, Clinton, IA As part of the Clinton School Board’s series of informational items to our community, it was my privilege to interview Scott Clark, the new transportation director, about how the students get to and from school safely every day. I was very impressed with the thoroughness of the operations of the Transportation Department. Let me tell you why. To [...]
read moreBy Megan Rogers, Albany Business ReviewPosted: 06/10/14 Troy, N.Y. --Transfinder recruiter Patrick Longo discovered a major roadblock when he attended a recent job fair in search of talented students from Albany, New York area colleges. Students weren't familiar with Transfinder, the Schenectady bus routing software development company. Many were headed to speak with representatives from more well known companies down the aisle. "You have to pitch [students] on why they should be here," [...]
read moreKeshia ClukeyReporter- Albany Business ReviewJune 13, 2014 Though Antonio Civitella's father died two years ago, the CEO and president of Schenectady-based software developer Transfinder Corp. still vividly remembers his papa's sayings, and even runs his business by them. “You just heard these things. I loved it, they were riddles with deep meaning,” said 45-year-old Civitella. “Some of these things when you got older they made a lot of sense.” Many of the sayings are [...]
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